Saobracajni fakultet

Dr Dalibor Petrovic


Dr Dalibor Petrović (1973) is assistant professor at the University of Belgrade. He teaches Sociology and Sociology of e-communication at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering and master course ICT and Social Networking at the department of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy.

Dr Dalibor Petrović is the leading sociologist of the internet in Serbia. In 2001 he conducted first research on online communication in Serbian chat rooms. After that he participated in a number of studies on social aspects of the internet use, regarding online communication patterns, online dating, digital divide, gender equality online, e-learning, etc.
He is the author of the first book on social aspects of the internet use in Serbia (2008). After that as author and co-editor he published two more books about internet and society and a number of scientific papers. In his latest book “Sociability in the age of the internet” (2013) dr Petrović both on theoretical and empirical level explores the manner and the extent to which modern communication technologies have become integrated in the existing network based form of sociability and what are the social function of these technologies.





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