Saobracajni fakultet

Study Areas

The core areas studied at the Department of Traffic Engineering are:

    1. Traffic control and management on street and road network; 
    2. Transportation planning; 
    3. Traffic flow theory, capacity of streets and roads, evaluation ; 
    4. Traffic design of roads and streets; 
    5. Operation and maintenance of road network.

      Traffic control and management

      Traffic design

      Transportation planning


      - Rehabilitation - Reconstruction 
      - New development 
      - Completing of network according to rationality criterion 
      - Traffic criteria 
      - Economic criteria 
      - Ecological limitations
      Intelligent transport  systems
      Adjustable, intelligent integration of vehicles, drivers and transport system to provide more efficient and safe traffic operation


      *In addition to above narrow areas, the following areas are studied at the Department: road traffic safety, public passenger transport, parking, etc.
      © Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade 2006-2010.