Saobracajni fakultet


Traffic engineers and graduate traffic engineers – masters (according to new degrees) may work or already work in various organizations, institutions and companies in the state or private traffic sector, such as:

- Secretariats for traffic,
- Secretariats for public utility services,
- Ministries of infrastructure– Departmkent for traffic and safety,
- Institutes of urbanism,
- Agencies engaged in traffic and/or development in a wider sense,
- Institutes, agencies engaged in planning,
- Land development public agencies,
- Consulting companies,
- Construction companies,
- Извођачке организације,
- Companies engaged in manufacture of traffic equipment,
- Utility companies,
- Traffic safety departments within Police,
- Bureaus of expertise,
- Automobile associations and driving schools,
- High schools and two-year technical colleges,
- Computer management centres,
- Bureaus of statistics,
- Scientific research institutes,
- Parking services,
- Other privately or state owned companies engaged in traffic.

After two-year professional experience and passing the licensing exam, the engineers and graduated engineers who completed these academic studies may submit request for issuance of the licence for performance of independent design work. The request is submitted to the Serbian Chamber of Engineers. 

This is the first licence in the traffic profession which was introduced four years ago and it entitles the license holder to participate in certain activities as the chartered designer or team leader, etc.
© Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade 2006-2010.