Saobracajni fakultet


    • Bojana Mirkovic, Vojin Tosic, Obrad Babic
    "Airports - Practicum" (in Serbian language)
    Publisher: Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, 2010.
    • Miodrag Ilic
    "Air Navigation" - textbook (in Serbian language)
    Publisher: Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, 2008.
    • Boris Begovic, Bojan Borojevic, Zoran Grubisic, Branislav Krstic, Dragan Mandic, Vojin Tosic
    "Economic Policies for Traffic and Transportation" (in Serbian language)
    Publisher: Center for liberal-democratic studies, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 2004.
    • Miodrag Ilic
    "Handbook for Air Navigation course" (in Serbian language)
    Publisher: Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, 2003.


    The Division has been developing a database of bibliographic references of research papers and reports in the area of Air Traffic and Transport, AIRTRA. The database uses the UNESCO developed Mini-Micro CDS/ISIS library software.

    The  AIRTRA datebase covers all the papers in the following sources:

    • Journal of Transportation (ASCE), since 1956.

    • Transportation Research A,  since 1967.

    • Transportation Research B, since 1979.

    • Transportation Research C, since 1993.

    • Transportation Science, since 1967.

    • Transportation Planning and Technology, since 1973.

    • Transportation Research Record, since 1976.

    • Transportation Research Circulars, since 1979.

    • Transportation Research Special Reports, since 1987.

    • Air Traffic Control Quarterly, since 1993.

    The database also includes at this moment about 1400 more references from miscellaneous sources (research reports, thesis etc.).


    © Универзитет у Београду - Саобраћајни факултет 2006-2010.