Saobracajni fakultet

History of department

Little History of the Department OTN 

Department of general and technical sciences (OTN) is virtually since the founding of the Faculty. Conceived as a teaching organizational unit that contains general and technical subjects necessary traffic profession. It should actually be the necessary bridge between the fundamental and technical subjects, or "service" to high-quality technical opismenio future traffic engineers. 

Within this department were once subjects: Technical Drawing, Fundamentals of Construction, Urban Development, Mechanical Engineering. 

Members of the Department were: 

  • Milorad Arsenijevic.
  • Predrag Cvetkovic
  • Milica Cuk
  • Milan Hofman,
  • Vera Lazic,
  • Milutin Marjanov,
  • Zoran Markovic
  • Varvara Medvedev
  • Slobodan Petrovic.
  • Djordje Smiljanic,
  • Radomir Stojanovic,
  • Peter Stankovic
  • Hrant Stojanovic
  • Ratko Šelmić,
  • Natalie Naerlović Veljkovic
  • Milan Zivkovic.
© Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade 2006-2010.