Saobracajni fakultet

Prof. Dr. Duško Bajin


Dusko Bajic, associate professor, was born in Kikinda 1947th year. Elementary and secondary school in Belgrade. Traffic School he enrolled in 1969, and graduated from the Department for road and urban traffic 1974th year.

1978th The study continues at the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies, University of Belgrade in the field of "Protection and improvement of the environment", and graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade in 1982. year.

PhD thesis entitled "City streets and traffic - a contribution to the definition of criteria and measures of environmental protection", defended at the Faculty of Transport in Belgrade in 1996. year.

Work experience

During apsolventskog service 1974th was hired as an assistant at the PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION. After graduation he was in military service, and the 1975th elected assistant at the Faculty of Transport for the same item. The teaching assistant was chosen for the subjects Urbanism, Urbanism in the Zip-In and stationary traffic, assistant professor of urban planning in the case of PTT was elected in 1996, and associate professor 2,001th Item YEAR IN URBAN TRANSPORT Post and Telecommunications. Since 2007. The holding teaches TRANSPORTATION, TRAFFIC AND ENVIRONMENT.

He has published or publicly said about 80 scientific papers, projects and studies in urban transport problems, especially in the field of environmental protection in the cities of impact traffic. Most of the works has been exhibited at conferences, symposia and scientific and professional conferences and published in the accompanying conference proceedings and journals. He also published a monograph "The traffic in the city streets - environmental aspect." Permanent member of the scientific and organizing committees of the symposium dedicated to the environment (sustainable development).

As elected National Expert European ECBP's (Capacity Building Program in the environment from pollution caused by traffic), led the working group on transport project in the NEAP (National Environmental Action Plan) of the Republic of Serbia. He was an auditor LEAP (Local Environmental Action Plans) in parts of "environmental pollution from traffic and transport infrastructure" for the cities of Bor, Majdanpek Negotin Kladovo, Cacak, Valjevo and Vrbas.

Vice President of the Scientific and Professional Society EKOLOGICA, an editor of the eponymous magazine and member of Scientific Serbia.

© Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade 2006-2010.