A part of the instruction is planned through laboratory work and the following licensed software is available for this purpose:
- VISUM 9.44
- VISSIM 4.2
- Park CAD
- Autoturn
- HCS 2000
- TransCAD - Transportation GIS Software.
Example: Simulation of a part of street network in simulation programs VISUM and VISSIM.
Simulation represents imitation of a set of operations, processes or behaviour of actual traffic system.
Laboratory for Traffic Control and Management
Laboratory for Transportation Planning
Laboratory for Theory of Traffic Flow
- VISUM 9.44
- VISSIM 4.2
- Park CAD
- Autoturn
- HCS 2000
- TransCAD - Transportation GIS Software.
Example: Simulation of a part of street network in simulation programs VISUM and VISSIM.
Simulation represents imitation of a set of operations, processes or behaviour of actual traffic system.
Laboratory for Traffic Control and Management
Laboratory for Transportation Planning
Laboratory for Theory of Traffic Flow