Saobracajni fakultet

Vidanović Nenad

Nenad Vidanović was born on July 30th, 1979. in Belgrade, where he completed Elementary school and Secondary technical school ''Petar Drapšin". In 1998 he enrolled the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Department of Aeronautical Engineering and graduated in 2006.

He is Ph.D. student now. From 2007. to 2008. he was employed by ''Inovation center", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He has been employed as teaching and research assistant at Department of general technical sciences, since 2008.

Assistant is his current position. At the undergraduate level (Bachelor courses) he teaches courses on ''Mechanics I", ''Mechanics II" and ''Fluid Mechanics". He is interested (Academic resarches) in the fluid-structure interaction, computational fluid dynamics, finite element analysis and aerodynamic.

In previous work, he participated in the realization of several scientific projects. He is the co-author of one textbook for students of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering. He has presented several scientific paper. He is a member of the Serbian Society of Mechanics.
© Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade 2006-2010.