Dr. Nikola Knezevic, Assistant Professor of Transportation Engineering, University of Belgrade, was born on 07 avgusta.1972.g. Ivanjica. He graduated from the Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade, Department of Postal services. Seminar in the field: Strategy, International Marketing and International Business, Operational Excellence and Strategy organized by the IEDC - Bled School of Management ended in 2003. year. 2004th he completed his post-graduate studies in the transportation of the University of Belgrade, Department of Management in traffic. PhD thesis entitled "Contribution to the optimization methods for resource constrained project management in the traffic," he defended in the transportation of the University of Belgrade 12.01.2006. Year. In the period since 1998. Until 2004. By Dr. Nikola Knezevic was employed by JP PTT "Serbia" in the workplace expert and independent officer, the Head of the Development Strategy and the Director of Research and Development in the Directorate for Strategy and Development. Since 2005. working in the transportation of the University of Belgrade. Dr. Nikola Knezevic since 1999. he was hired as an associate and then as assistant and assistant professor of Transportation Engineering, University of Belgrade on Katerdri of Management, Organization and Economics of Transport and transport of objects Organization and Management in traffic and transportation, organization and management in rail transport and the organization and management in the postal and telecommunications traffic at college, a postgraduate student at the subject of management of traffic and transportation, strategic management of traffic and transport, management and investment projects in the traffic and transport, design organizations in traffic and transport management and traffic patterns and transport. Dr. Nikola Knezevic is the author or coauthor of 19 scientific papers presented at international and domestic conferences and published in national journals, and participated in the preparation of 13 studies and projects. Mark's father and husband Sanjay.