Saobracajni fakultet

Informations related to students accomodation

The right to placement in a "Student Center" to students whose higher education institutions by the Republic of Serbia, who are enrolled for the first time in the current school year to study first, second or third degree, whose schooling financed by the Republic of Serbia. 

Students of the first year of study (freshmen) who are enrolled in the budget of the tender documents submitted in person in the period from 01 to 15 September this year in the dorms "Karaburma" ul Mijo Kovacevic, 7b, Belgrade. 

Students submit the following documents: 

• Registration for semeštaj in the dorm (available at the time of the contest in the studio. Karaburma home) 
• Testimony of completed I, II, III and IV year of high school 
• Certificate of enrollment in the study (first time) and that it be funded from the budget of the Republic of Serbia; 
• Certificate of average monthly income per household of 01 January to 30 June this year. 

Students from other years, students who enroll at the expense of the budget next year of study the tender documents submitted at the counter of Student Services Faculty for a period of 01 September 31 October this year. Students must submit the following documents: 

• Registration for semeštaj in the dorm (get over the counter services of the Faculty) 
• Certificate of average monthly income per household of 01 January to 30 June of the year 

Students master and doctoral studies the tender documents submitted at the counter of Student Services Faculty from 01.10. to 05.11.current year. 
The criteria for determining the order of the candidate are defined by performance in the previous education and socio-economic status of families. 
For any other information you can contact us by phone 011/3091-250 (Traffic Engineering) or 011/334-0043 (Office Accommodation).
© Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade 2006-2010.