CEN WG1 Workshop / Implementation of revised EN 13850 – sharing experiences
CEN је главни провајдер европских стандарда и техничких спецификација. То је једина европска организација призната у складу са Директивом 98/34/EC за планирање, израду и усвајање европских стандарда у свим областима економске активности са изузетком електротехнике (CENELEC) и телекомуникација (ETSI).
Радионица, која ће се одржати 7. марта 2012. године, има јавни карактер и њена агенда је приказана у наредном делу текста.
1. Introduction (08.30 to 09.00)
Welcome, Agenda & Background: History of EN13850, evolution, current situation, reasons and needs for a revised standard; objectives of the workshop (A. Roset, Chairman TC331 and LF de Robiano, Convenor WG1)
2. Prospective from PostEurop: (09.00 to 09.15)
New members in EU and / or CEN – need for support in experiences in implementing EN 13850 domestic & cross border
3. Share of experiences (09.15 to 10.00)
- Experiences of collaboration between Regulator and Operator, and implementations of EN13850 in Slovenia and France
- Latvian experience in implementation of EN13850
- Each country (Regulator and / or Operator) in the workshop invited to briefly (+/- 5 minutes) share domestic & cross border implementations experiences (focus on issues, values, etc)
Coffee break from 10.00 to 10.15
4. Revised EN13850: (10.15 to 10.45)
Design and key changes of new EN 13850 compared to current EN13850 (K. Knuth, Quotas)
5. Current and revised EN 13850 implementation cross-border: (10.45 to 11.15)
Practical implementation in cross border UNEX measurement (B. Seghers, IPC)
6. Brainstorming breakout session (11.15 to 12.30)
Workshop group is split into a few smaller discussion groups for +/- 75 minutes. Each group includes some Regulators and Operators to share views on a few prepared questions. A EN13850 expert in each group moderates the discussion and prepares the afternoon debriefing
Lunch break from 12.30 to 13.30
7. Debriefings from breakout session and open discussion (13.30 to 14.45)
8. Conclusions & end of workshop (15.00)