Saobracajni fakultet

Emir Ganić

Emir Ganic foto

Dr Emir Ganić

Research Associate at Division of Airports and Air Traffic Safety

Phone: +381 (0)11 3091 309

Office: 236

Email: Ова адреса ел. поште заштићена је од спам напада, треба омогућити ЈаваСкрипт да бисте је видели


Dr Emir Ganić is a research associate at the APATC, UB-FTTE. Educated at University of Belgrade, where he received his and MSc in Quality management at Faculty of Organizational Sciences and PhD in Air Transport and Traffic Engineering at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering. The major field of scientific and professional interest is in the areas of environmental protection, sustainable aviation, noise and emission reduction and environmental quality management. Emir Ganić has published 17 scientific papers in international and domestic journals, and he has participated in several Horizon 2020 projects as well as in several international and domestic conferences and workshops. He is a member of the Organization Committee of the International Conference "Noise and Vibration" organized by the Faculty of Occupational Safety at the University of Niš, a member of the Committee for standards and related documents KS Z043 - Noise protection, within the Institute for Standardization of Serbia, and a member of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Standing Committee on Environmental Issues in Aviation (AV030).

Full CV is available on the following link.


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