Dr Miloš Milenković, docent
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Ова адреса ел. поште заштићена је од спам напада, треба омогућити ЈаваСкрипт да бисте је видели |
Summary of qualifications
Main research areas are: mathematical optimization, optimal control theory, model predictive control, inventory control theory (Fuzzy, Fuzzy stochastic), time series analysis, risk analysis, organizational design, project management, engineering economy, cost efficiency in (rail) transport.
Engaged as reviewer for journals ”International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems“, ”Applied Mathematical Modelling”, ”Transport” and „International Journal of Railway Technology“, Transportation Research Part E, etc.
Member of Editorial Board of „The Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance“ held in Ajaccio, Corsica in period from 08-11.04.2014. by the Civil-Comp Press, United Kingdom (http://www.civil-comp.com/conf/railways2014.htm#edtbrd).
Member of Editorial Board of „The Third International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance“ which will be held in Cagliary (Italy) in period from 05-08.04.2016. by the Civil-Comp Press, United Kingdom (http://www.civil-comp.com/conf/rw2016/rw2016.htm).
Member of the International Scientific Committee of the 3rd International Symposium and the25th National Conference on Operational Research jointly held in Volos, Greece, on June 26-28, 2014. The Symposium and the Conference will be organized by the Hellenic Operational Research Society (HELORS) and the University of Thessaly.
Member of the International Scientific Committee of the 4rd International Symposium and the 26th National Conference on Operational Research which will jointly be held in Chania, Greece, on June 04-06, 2015. The Symposium and the Conference will be organized by the Hellenic Operational Research Society (HELORS) and the University of Thessaly (http://www.helors2015.tuc.gr/committees.htm).
Contents of this page:
Key research interest or Research areas
Research projects and experience
- Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade
- Electro-technical school in Smederevska Palanka
- Leading engineer for traffic organization and timetable construction in PE “Serbian Railways” in period 2006-2008.
- Teaching and research assistant at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering from 2005.
3. Key research interest or Research areas
- Operational research, Optimal Control Theory, Fuzzy Logic and Control, Project Management, Risk Management.
- On undergraduate studies he is engaged in performing the following courses: “Organization and management in traffic and transport”, “Railway Traffic and Transport Control”, “Market and marketing in Railway business”, “Project management in Railway”, “Marketing in Railway”, “Engineering economics in railway transport and traffic”, “Organization and management in railway traffic and transport”, “Economics in railway traffic and transport”, “Management and organization in telecommunications” and “Organization and management”.
- On postgraduate studies: “Strategic management in transport and communications”, “Project and investment management in transport and communications”, “International management in transport and communications”, “Organizational design in transport and communication”, “Management in transport and communication”, “Business process management in railway transport” and “Strategic management in railway engineering”.
5. Research projects and experience
- Administration function in the project “Institutional Capacity Building Project in the Transport Sector”, EU-funded project managed by the EAR during the period 2005-2007.
- “Business, organizational and marketing transformation of the JAT Airways”, Institute of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, 2008.
- Consultant /project manager assistant position in the project “General Master Plan for Transport Sector in Serbia”, EU-funded project managed EAR during the period 2008-2009.
- Consultant at the project “Choosing the restructuring strategy for the Railway Transport of Montenegro”, Railway Transport of Montenegro PLC, Institute of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, 2009.
- Researcher at the project ”Business process reengineering and risk management for the postal services”, Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Institute of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, 2008-2010.
- Researcher at the project ”Critical infrastructure management for sustainable development in railway, postal and communication sector of Serbia”, Ministry of science and technologic development, Serbia, 2011-2015.
- Researcher at the project ”Strengthening Excellent Teams”, Jan Perner Transport Faculty, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, 01.11.2014-30.06.2015.
- Milenković M., Bojović N., Glišović N., Švadlenka L., 2015. Optimization of the rail freight car fleet sizing problem. Proceedings of 4th International Symposium & 26th National Conference on Operational Research, Chania, Greece, June 04-06, pp. 155-162.
- Glišović N., Milenković M., Bojović N., 2015. Comparison of SARIMA-GA-ANN and SARIMA-ANN for prediction of the railway passenger flows. Proceedings of 4th International Symposium & 26th National Conference on Operational Research, Chania, Greece, June 04-06, pp. 181-186
- Milenković M., Švadlenka L., Bojović N., Melichar V., Avramović Z., 2015. S stochastic model predictive control to heterogeneous freight car fleet sizing problem. Transportation Research Part E (IF2013=2,676, Transportation Science & Technology (7/32)), accepted for publication.
- Milenković M., Bojović N., Nuhodžić R., Glišović N., 2014. A Stochastic Model Predictive Control to Rail Freight Car Fleet Sizing Problem. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization, Kos Island, Greece, 4-6 June, ISSN: 2241-9098, pp. 1-28.
- Milenković M., Bojović N., Nuhodžić R., 2014. An Optimal Control Model for Rail Freight Car Fleet Sizing Problem. Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Ajaccio, France, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, doi: 10.4203/ccp.104.289, pp. 1-20.
- Milenković M., Bojović N., Glišović N., Nuhodžić R., 2014. Comparison of Sarima-Ann and Sarima-Kalman Methods for Railway Passenger Flow Forecasting. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Ajaccio, France, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, doi: 10.4203/ccp.104.193, pp. 1-19.
- Milenković, M., Bojović, N., 2014. A Recursive Kalman Filter Approach to Forecasting Railway Passenger Flows. International Journal of Railway Technology, accepted for publication.
- Dabic, S., Miljus, M., Bojović, N., Glisovic, N., Milenković, M., 2014. Applying a mathematical approach to improve the tire retreading process, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 86, pp. 107-117. (IF2012=2,319, Engineering, Environmental (15/42)), (ISSN 0921-3449).
- Milenković, M., Bojović, N., 2014. Fuzzy modelling approach to the rail freight car inventory problem, Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 37(2), pp. 119-138, (IF2012 = 0,427, Transportation Science & Technology (26/30)).
- Glišović, N., Milenković, M., Bojović, N., Nuhodžić, R., 2014. Comparison of GA-ANN and traditional Box-Jenkins methods for railway passenger flow forecasting, Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium & 25th National Conference on Operational Research, Volos, Greece, June 26-28, pp. 1-5.
- Milenković, M., Glišović, N., Knežević, N., Bojović, N., 2014. Poređenje VAR modela i univarijantnih neuronskih mreža za prognoziranje obima poštanskih usluga, Proceedings of 32th Symposium on new Technologies in Postal and Telecomunication Traffic, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 21-31.
- Milenković, M., Bojović, N., 2013. A fuzzy random model for rail freight car fleet sizing problem. Transportation Research Part C, Vol 33, pp. 107-133, (IF2012=2,006, Transportation Science & Technology (7/30)), (ISSN 0968-090X).
- Milenković, M., Bojović, N., Macura, D., Nuhodžić R., 2013. Kalman filtering approach to forecast the demand for rail passenger services. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Transport Science, Portoroz, Slovenia, pp. 240-250.
- Knezevic, N., Bojović, N., Milenković, M., Glisovic, N., 2013. SARIMA-KALMAN model for postal services volume forecasting, Proceedings of 31th Symposium on new Technologies in Postal and Telecomunication Traffic, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 21-31.
- Milenković, M., Bojović, N., Glisovic, N., Nuhodžić R., 2013. Use of SARIMA models to assess rail passenger flows: a case study of Serbian Railways, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium & 24th National Conference on Operational Research, Athens, Greece, pp. 296-302.
- Milenković M., Bojović N., Ribeiro R.A., Glišović N., 2012. A Fuzzy Simulated Annealing Approach for Project Time-Cost Tradeoff. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol 23, pp. 1–13, (IF2012=0,788, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence (81/115)).
- Glišović N., Ribeiro R.A., Milenković M., Bojović N., Petrović V., 2012. A SA-based Solution Procedure for Fuzzy Time-Cost Tradeoff. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “From Global Crisis to Economic Growth – which way to take”, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 1-12.
- Milenković M., Bojović N., Milošević M., 2012. A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for Urban Rail Passenger Demand Forecasting, Proceedings of Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - RAILCON, Niš, Serbia, pp. 93-96.
- Milenković M., Bojović N., Nuhodžić R., 2012. A Comparative Analysis of Neuro-Fuzzy and Arima Models for Urban Rail Passenger Demand Forecasting. Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 569-577.
- Božić M., Glišović N., Milenković M., 2012. Uncertainty Modeling in Project Scheduling using Bayesian Networks: The Case of Post of Serbia. Proceedings of 30th Symposium on new Technologies in Postal and Telecomunication Traffic, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 97-104.
- Knežević N., Bojović N., Milenković M., Macura D., 2011. Post Service Volume Modelling using Box-Jenkins Procedure. Proceedings of 29th Symposium on new Technologies in Postal and Telecomunication Traffic, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 33-40.
- Macura D., Bošković B., Bojović N., Milenković M., 2011. A Model for Prioritization of Rail Infrastructure Projects Using ANP. International Journal of Transport Economics, Vol 38, No 3, pp. 265-289, (IF 2011: 0,345, Transportation/Economics).
- Milenković, M., Bojović, N., Nuhodžić, R., 2011. A Model for Rail Freight Car Inventory Process. Proceedings of 10th Balkan conference on Operation Research, Thessaloniki, Grece, pp. 175-182.
- Bojović, J.N., Boskovic, B., Milenković, M., Sunjic, A., 2010. A two-level approach to the problem of rail freight car fleet composition. Transport 25(2), pp. 186-192, (IF2012=1,081, Transportation Science & Technology (14/30)), (ISSN 1648-4142).
- Bojović N., Milenković M., 2010. Train Crew Pairing Optimization: Serbian Railways Case. Proceedings of 37th Symposium on Operational Research, Tara, Serbia, pp. 1-4.
- Bojović N., Knežević N., Macura D., Milenković M., 2010. Critical Infrastructure Management Model for Sustainable Development of Postal Sector. Proceedings of 28th Symposium on new Technologies in Postal and Telecomunication Traffic, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 25-30.
- Bojović N., Tihomirović S., Milenković M., 2010. DEA Method for Rail Company Efficiency Measuring with Special Emphasis to PE “Serbian Railways”. Proceedings of International Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways – Railcon, pp. 259-262.
- Nuhodžić R., Macura D., Bojović N., Milenković M., 2010. Organizational Design of a Rail Company Using Fuzzy ANP. African Journal of Business Management, Vol 4, No 6, pp. 1494-1499.
- Glišović N., Bojović N., Milenković M., 2010. Decision Support System for a Project Activity Time Forecasting Based on Fuzzy PERT Method. Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, Cavtat, Croatia, pp. 231-236.
- Bojović N., Milenković M., 2010. Train Driver Rostering Optimization. Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), Subotica, Serbia, pp. 501-504.
- Milenković M., Stanojević P., Marić M., Bojović N., Kratica J., 2009. Tactical Train Scheduling. Proceedings of ”ETRAN” Conference, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, pp. 1-8, (Selected as the best paper of young researcher).
- Bojović N., Glišović N., Milenković M., 2009. A Decision Support System for Business Process Reengineering of Postal Operators, Proceedings of 27th Symposium on new Technologies in Postal and Telecomunication Traffic, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 49-56.
- Bojović N., Milenković M., Šunjić A., 2009. Locomotive Scheduling Problem. Proceedings of 37th Symposium on Operational Research, Ivanjica, Serbia, pp. 22-25.
- Glišović N., Bojović N., Milenković M., Knežević N., 2009. Decision Support System for a Project Management Application,- Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics - CFE 09, Limassol, Cyprus, pp. 29-31.
- Glišović N., Bojović N., Milenković M., 2009. Fuzzy Reasoning Approach for a Postal Company Restructuring Project. In CD-ROM Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Subotica, pp. 141-144.
- Milenković M., Bojović N., Šunjić A., 2009. A Fuzzy Multiobjective Approach for Determining the Best Rail Fleet Composition Problem. Proceedings of XL Annual Conference Italian Operational Research Society, Siena, Italy, pp. 127-128.
- Stanojević P., Marić M., Kratica J., Bojović N., Milenković M., 2009. Mathematical Optimization for the Train Timetabling Problem. MASSEE International Congress on Mathematics, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 96-104.
- Bojović N., Mačvanski D., Milenković M., 2008: Organizational Design of a Railway Company Using Fuzzy ANP. 68th Meeting of the European Working Group MCDA, Proceedings of abstracts and papers, Chania, Crete, pp. 65-72.
- Bojović, N., Milenković, M., 2008. The Best Rail Fleet Mix Problem. Operational Research: An International Journal 8(1), pp. 77-87, (ISSN 1866-1505).
- Bojović N., Milenković M., 2006. Determining an Optimal Rail Fleet Composition. Proceedings of 64th Meeting of the European Working Group, Technological Education Institute of Larissa, Greece, pp. 45.
- Bojović N., Milenković M., 2006. CRM and its Application in Railway Transportation. Proceedings of International Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways – Railcon, Niš, Serbia, pp. 133-136.
- Bojović N., Milenković M., 2005. Intelligent Transportation Systems in Railway Transportation. Tehnika, Vol 2, pp. 5-13.