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Стипендија Владе Републике Индонезије - КНБ 2016

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обавештавамо Вас да је Влада Републике Индонезије отворила конкурс за стипендију КНБ 2016 за мастер студије.

За сва додатна питања можете контактирати амбасаду Републике Индонезије у Београду путем телефона +381.11.3635666 или на адресу електронске поште: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Услове конкурса можете погледати овде.

International Master Scholarships - KNB Scholarship 2016.

Deadline: 3 May 2016.

Open to: applicants holding bachelor degree, less than 35 years old, from developing countries (includes Serbia and Montenegro).
Scholarship: round-trip fare, settlement allowance, monthly allowance, book allowance, research allowance, medical insurance.

Developing Countries Partnership program on Scholarship or better known as Beasiswa Kemitraan Negara Berkembang (KNB) designed to facilitate every passion of Developing Countries citizens to pursuing their dream through higher education. Quoted from the late Nelson Mandela “Education is The Most Powerful Weapon To Change The World", we believe that through education people from developing countries can build their countries and lead them to the better condition.

The scholarship is offered to potential students from developing countries to earn their Master Degree at one of 15 prominent universities in Indonesia. Officially launched in 2006 by the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, this program has been attracting a significant number of applicants, as by 2015, 896 students from 64 countries had been awarded this scholarship.

The Program Objectives:
- To contribute in the human resource development in the developing countries.
- To promote deeper cultural understanding among developing countries.
- To strengthen the relationship and cooperation among developing countries.

For more informations:
© Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade 2006-2010.