Saobracajni fakultet

Скупови и конференције

Научно-стручни скуп КА ОДРЖИВОМ ТРАНСПОРТУ 2011

Научно-стручни скуп ″Ка одрживом транспорту 2011″ ће се одржати 20. и 21. октобра 2011. године у Ивањици у хотелу ″Парк″

Read more: Научно-стручни скуп КА ОДРЖИВОМ ТРАНСПОРТУ 2011


TES - Regional counseling TRAFFIC ENGINEERING

TES Regional Conference dedicated to the traffic engineering and to the part with which traffic engineers are now commonly encountered in the work - software tools, indicators, assessment, traffic management, new technology and design in the light of new requirements, parking, determine the design requirements in our environment, etc. . 

Read more: TES - Regional counseling TRAFFIC ENGINEERING


Seminar - The role of local communities in road safety

Criminal Police Academy, RS Ministry of Interior - Traffic Police, Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, the Organization for Traffic Safety and the media, Serbian Committee for Traffic Safety and Traffic Safety Agency, organized the 5th Scientific conference 

Read more: Seminar - The role of local communities in road safety


SYM-OP-IS 2008 - XXXV Symposium on Operational Research

XXXV Symposium on Operational Research, SYM-OP-IS 2008, held from 14 to 17 September in Soko Banja, Hotel Moravica, organized by Faculty of Transportation.

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