Saobracajni fakultet



1.    “Methods for evaluation of development scenarios of the air transport system in Serbia (airlines, airports, ATC) - safety, efficiency, economic and environmental aspects”  (as part of the Program for Research in Technology Development in the period 2008-2011, Project Number 15023)
Institute of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade
(April 2008 - present)
Client: Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Belgrade, Serbia

2.    “Traffic flow: Scenario, traffic forecast and analysis of traffic on the TEN-T, taking into the consideration the external dimension of the Union”
Institute of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, sub-consultants in the TEN CONNECT consortium, led by TETRAPLAN,
(2007 – 2008).
Client: European Commission DG TREN, Brussels, Belgium

3.    “Helidrom and Airport Pljevlja: Conceptual Design and Operational Requirements”,
Institute of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade
(November - December 2007).
Client: Pljevlja Municipality, Montenegro

4.    “Helidrom on "Vektra - Jakic" company location: Conceptual Design and Operational Requirements”,
Institute of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade
(May 2008).
Client: Pljevlja Municipality, Montenegro

5.   "Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Analysis and Forecast",
Institute of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering together with EUROCONTROL CRDS (CEATS Research, Development and Simulation Centre), Budapest, Hungary, December 2004 - June 2005.
Client: Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency (SMATSA) Ltd, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro

6.    “Trend Group - Young People III: Nis Regional Development”,
Donation of Government of Kingdom of Norway. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Project.
Institute of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade,                  
(May 2005 - May 2006).
Client: NAR Consulting AS

7.    “Trend Group - Young People II: Nis Airport Regional Development”,
Donation of Government of Kingdom of Norway.
Institute of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade,                 
(April 2004 - December 2004).
Client: NAR Consulting AS

8.    “Airline Schedule Optimization”,
Institute of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade,                  
(July 2002 - January 2005).
Clients: Ministry of Science, Technology and Development of Republic of Serbia and Yugoslav Airlines as participant

9.    “Trend Group - Young People: Nis Airport Reconstruction Project”,
Donation of Government of Kingdom of Norway.
Institute of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade,           
(December 2002 - July 2003).
Client: NAR Consulting AS

10.    “Evaluation of Belgrade FIR Air Route Alternatives”,
(Traffic data input)
Institute of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, 2001,
Client: Federal Ministry of Transport and Federal Air Traffic Control Authority.

11.    “Analysis of Airspace and Air Traffic Management Organization for Bosnia and Herzegovina - Analysis of Different Solutions Regarding ' The Intermediate'  Airspace”,
(Traffic Forecast)
Study prepared for ICAO Expert Working Group Meeting on the Provision of Air
Navigation Services in Bosnia and Herzegovina, September 2000
Institute of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, 2000,
Client: RS Civil Aviation Department.

12.    “Research of Methods, Technologies and Products to Improve the Transport and
Communication System and Utilisation Economics Potential of Republic of Serbia”,
Institute of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, (1996-2000),
Client: Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Serbia

13.    “Model and Software Development in the Area of  Air and Road Transport and Traffic Management”
Institute of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, (1993-95),
Client: Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Serbia
© Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade 2006-2010.